Maximize Asset Protection

Seed or Harvest


Law Enforcement Officer

Independent Financial Education Podcast.

Law Enforcement Podcast

Understanding Financial Planning for Law Enforcement Officers

Many people misjudge their income’s place within national tax brackets, often assuming it's more common than it is. IRS data shows that the top 5–10% of earners bear a significant tax burden, making...

Retiring from Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement Officer

Many people misjudge their income’s place within national tax brackets, often assuming it's more common than it is. IRS data shows that the top 5–10% of earners bear a significant tax burden, making...

Law Enforcement Retirement Guide: Law Enforcement Officer

Many people misjudge their income’s place within national tax brackets, often assuming it's more common than it is. IRS data shows that the top 5–10% of earners bear a significant tax burden, making...

Building a Sustainable Career in Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement Officer

Law enforcement work presents significant physical and mental challenges, from the strain of wearing heavy gear and prolonged patrol car sitting to the psychological toll of witnessing traumatic...

The PEM Model and Financial Planning: Law Enforcement Officer

In this episode of Seed or Harvest, we sit down with Officer Ty to break down Tier 1 pensions, the importance of overtime, and what every officer should know about retirement planning. If you're in...

Understanding Uncommon Income and Tax Strategies: Law Enforcement Officer

Many people misjudge their income’s place within national tax brackets, often assuming it's more common than it is. IRS data shows that the top 5–10% of earners bear a significant tax burden, making...